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Student Minister Abel Muhammad_MM3 08-27-2023_018_edited_edited.jpg

Courtesy of Bro. Anthony X of  8x10 Photography, LLC.


Student Min. William Muhammad

Local Representative of the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan

Student Minister William Muhammad, a business administration graduate of Greenville College located in Greenville, IL. and devoted father of three children, is the Wisconsin representative of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and Minister of Muhammad Mosque #3 of  Milwaukee, WI. He joined the Nation of Islam in January of 1990 at Mosque Maryam, the headquarters Mosque located in Chicago, IL. Through hard work,  and sacrifice, he quickly rose in the ranks of the F.O.I (Fruit of Islam) as a Lieutenant, and then Captain over the Headquarters Mosque. In August of 1993, he accepted the position of Minister of Muhammad Mosque # 3 in Milwaukee, WI. Under Brother William's leadership, Muhammad Mosque #3 has continued to be active in service to Milwaukee and throughout the state, firmly rooted and committed to upholding the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as taught by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.




















He has been a  strong leader in implementing the Stop the Beef Hotline which is a community resource for conflict resolution without police involvement, The 10,000 Fearless, and the Local Organizing Committee which is a group of individuals in our community dedicated to making our communities a decent and safe place to live as instructed by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan during his 10-10-15 call to action in Washington, D.C. It has been the goal of the Honorable Louis Farrakhan to serve, enlighten, and give hope to the hopeless. With this example, Minister William Muhammad has continued to represent the voiceless and all those who seek freedom, justice, and equality. 

Minister William Muhammad heads the Nation of Islam Prison Reform Ministry of Wisconsin which encompasses the House of Correction (Milwaukee), the Correction Institution of Racine, Columbia, Oshkosh, Fox Lake, Waupun, and Oxford. His prison ministry also includes Rochester and Sandstone prisons located in Minnesota. As an organizer Minister Muhammad promoted Wisconsin's participation in the successful 1995 Million Man March in which approximately five thousand men attended from the state of Wisconsin. In 1996 he led a diverse group of citizens to St. Louis Missouri to participate in the Convention Of The Oppressed which would later serve as the foundation for October's 2000 Million Family March.  In 2005 Minister William continued his service en-masse by attending with thousands from surrounding states the Millions More Movement, celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Million Man March.


The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and Student Minister William Muhammad


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(414) 755-2006

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